Spell any English word with elements and unlike Chemspeller, elemages.com doesn't use subatomic particles! - Marc Romansky |
Better at spelling with elements than Spelling with Elements because elemages.com doesn't skip letters. - Christopher Wong | |
Make any words out of elements in the Periodic Table better than Lmntology because elemages.com doesn't use made up elements. - Mike Kelly |
You won't find just a list of words made from Periodic Table element symbols here like Science Notes does because you can make any English word with elemages.com - Kevin Wong | |
You can enter any English word and spell it using only element abbreviations from the Periodic Table. Unlike Periodic Table Speller, elemages.com won't tell you it is impossible - Michael Regal |
Do you want words made using periodic table element symbols? Elemages.com can make any English word. Elemages.com is not just a list of words like ThoughtCo's list or Jeff Thompson's and Matt Cleinman's GitHub lists. - David Woo |